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ages 4-12

life kids

4 to 5 year-olds

From illustrated Bible lessons to comical puppet skits, your children learn God's Word in bite-size bits. Classes coincide with all of our regular weekend and

mid-week adult services. 

6 to 12 year-olds

Your children will love coming to church as they learn about God on a level they can easily understand. Here children will build relationships with each other and come to love God, love people, and serve others. With the help of puppets, skits, praise and worship, and object lessons, children learn just how good God is.

Classes coincide with all of our regular weekend and mid-week adult services.



RAIN OR SHINE is the series that LifeKids will be studying through the month of January. This study is about the connection between resilience and

God's character.
With every season comes new and different challenges but also the chance to experience incredible joy. Through
sunshine or rain, storms, and blue skies, seasons and weather are important to growth, but not just for flowers and
trees. How we respond to each season of life helps us grow in maturity and can spur us to a deeper faith in God. This is
especially true when it comes to our emotions.

We want parents to be as involved as possible and be able to reinforce the lessons at home.

take home point

Resilience is getting back up when something gets you down.

Just as seasons come and go, so do our emotions. And how we choose to handle those emotions can shape us and
teach us a lot about how God cares for us. No matter what emotion we may be feeling or what we may face, because
of Jesus, we can learn to trust that God knows how we feel.

Jesus showed us how to face life with resilience, and
because of it, we can trust God no matter what.


Here's a quick week to week overview of our lessons.


Week 1

When you’re sad, remember you’re not alone.

Jesus Wept
John 11:1-45


Week 2

When you’re worried, trust God.
Do Not Worry
Matthew 6:25-34


Week 3

When you’re angry, talk to God.

Slow to Anger
James 1:19


Week 4

God can help you choose joy.

Paul and Silas
Acts 16:16-40



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