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LifeGroups are happening all around you.  Find your fit. 



We offer something for everyone in the family.  Nursery, Kids, Youth, Young Adults, and Adults.


We operate on hundreds of volunteers.  This is one of the best ways to belong and do life together.

Join a LifeGroup today!!  LifeGroups are a place where you can connect, protect, and grow in your relationship with God and with others. We were never made to do life alone. Don't miss out on all the fun because we

are better together.

LifeGroups for the Winter Semester will kick off on February 2nd so be looking for updates.

Life was never meant to do alone. We truly believe that our groups are where people find freedom and community. Don't miss this time to get plugged in!! Our Sunday groups are still meeting so you can take a look at those and see if one looks interesting to you.


You can click the button below to find a group that meets your interests

and schedule according to the campus you attend.



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